Proficient Reading: 34%
Distinguished Reading: 11%
Proficient Math: 20%
Distinguished Math: 7%
The mission of Warren East High School is to create a safe and orderly learning environment
and provide students with a balance of knowledge, skills, and experiences that will enable them
to reach their maximum potential and become ethical, responsible, and productive citizens.
Athletic Teams and Clubs
District Championships in 22-23 School Year
Students for the 22-23 School Year (Largest Enrollment in School History)
AP and Dual Credit Classes
Positive Handwritten Note Home to Every Student Last Year
Students Committed to Attending College, Military or Have Full-Time Employment after High School for the 22-23 School Year
Postsecondary Readiness (up from 79% Last Year)
Graduation Rate
Warren East Families,
Our first quarter of the school year is now complete. The first quarter ended on October 4th. Students have been working hard and getting involved each and every day. Thank you!
September was a very busy month but we are excited to turn the page and start into Fall. I hope everyone has an enjoyable Fall Break and you are able to relax a little bit and enjoy some down time.
Our usual reminder that grades will be posted and you are able to check your child's grades at any time by by logging into Infinite Campus. You are able to see absences, grades and missed assignments. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call our guidance office and we will be happy to assist you. I know it is early in the school year, but it is always nice to have a reminder that grades can be checked at any time.
October will be another busy month after we get back from Fall Break. We will have ACT testing for Freshman and Sophomores, as well as Herff Jones, our graduation and senior ring supplier, coming in to meet with our Juniors and Seniors. Fall activities will start to wrap up and Winter activities will begin to get started. Please encourage your students to get involved in an activity to help them make lifelong friends as well as it will make the high school years the most enjoyable for our students.
We also want to invite everyone out to our 2nd annual Track or Treat or October 29th, at 6:00. We had a wonderful turn out last year and are looking forward to another great turnout this year. We hope you are able to attend.
Some Dates of Interest:
10/5 - 10/13 - Fall Break
10/15 - Herff Jones to meet with 11th and 12th grades
10/18 - A Clubs Meet
10/25 - Clash of Classes
10/26 - Calendar Girl
10/29 - WEHS Track of Treat
10/31 - Halloween Costume Contest
11/1 - B Clubs Meet
11/1 - Herff Jones Lunch Visit
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call the high school at any time and we will be more than happy to assist you. 270-781-1277
The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more.
A sampling of where our most recent graduates are continuing their academic careers: