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Proficient Reading: 34%

Distinguished Reading: 11%

Proficient Math: 20%

Distinguished Math: 7%


Mission & Philosophy

The mission of Warren East High School is to create a safe and orderly learning environment
and provide students with a balance of knowledge, skills, and experiences that will enable them
to reach their maximum potential and become ethical, responsible, and productive citizens.

By the Numbers


Athletic Teams and Clubs


District Championships in 22-23 School Year


Students for the 22-23 School Year (Largest Enrollment in School History)


AP and Dual Credit Classes


 Positive Handwritten Note Home to Every Student Last Year


Students Committed to Attending College, Military or Have Full-Time Employment after High School for the 22-23 School Year


Postsecondary Readiness (up from 79% Last Year)


Graduation Rate

Principal's Message

Warren East Families,

We hope you had a great Christmas Break and enjoyed the holiday season with your families.  January is here and we will be starting a new semester at WEHS!  10th through 12th grades will have a new class schedule when we start back.

While last semester ended before the break, final grades will not be finalized until we are back in school.  If you are checking grades, please know they may not all be finalized just yet.  Report Cards are set to go home on January 10th, as of now.

January promises to be exciting as new classes start, we have basketball homecoming and dress up days, Homecoming Pep Rally and all our clubs will be meeting during the month.  Please encourage your child to attend school regularly so they are not behind in classes or miss out on an activity.  If they do miss, please bring in an excuse so they are excused absences.

January also usually brings unpredictable weather to this area.  Please know we will try to communicate anytime school is out or if we dismiss early.  We have already shared an NTI schedule with our students and we will post/send out anytime we are out of school.  NTI day attendance is mandatory for all students and absences do count.

Some Dates of Interest:

1/6 - No School - PLC Day for Teachers

1/7 - Welcome Back!

1/10 - Athletic Hall of Fame Night

1/15 - MLK Jr. Celebration at South Warren - 5:30

1/16 - Board Meeting at South Warren at 5:30

1/17 - Basketball Homecoming/Pep Rally

1/20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

1/28 - SBDM

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the high school at any time and we will be more than happy to assist you.  270-781-1277

News & Announcements

A sampling of where our most recent graduates are continuing their academic careers: